Category Archives: Panic

ICU Patients May Develop PTSD Up to One Year After Discharge …

Approximately one in ten patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) is at risk of having a new case of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) related to their ICU experience up to one year after hospital discharge, …

Foreign Service Members Offer Candid Views of @StateDept Mental …

Posted: 3:04 am EDT The January issue of the Foreign Service Journal is out. The issue is focused on mental health care for the Foreign Service. Dr. Samuel Thielman, a recently retired regional medical officer/psychiatrist for …

Changes in Brain Connectivity May Protect Against Bipolar Disorder …

Why do some individuals develop bipolar disorder while their high-risk siblings do not? A new study has found that naturally occurring changes in brain wiring may help people at high genetic risk of developing bipolar avert …

Borderline Personality Disorder | Psych Central

Borderline personality disorder is a personality disorder that is characterized by a recurring, long-standing pattern of having unstable relationships with others — romantic, friendships and with family members. It's marked by …

Ask the Doctor: Panic Attacks | The Michigan Chronicle

Question: “What is a panic attack”? Panic attacks are basically sudden attacks of fear. They may last from 10 to 15 minutes or so. Symptoms associated with fear can be physical, such as shortness of breath, rapid and …