Category Archives: Panic

Dual Diagnosis: You Must Treat the Addiction and the Mental Illness …

Dual Diagnosis can be difficult to treat. The best treatment targets both the mental illness and addiction components at the same time.

Using A 12 Step Approach For PTSD Recovery | Trauma! A PTSD …

Recovery from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) comes in many forms, one of which is utilizing the transferable principles of a 12 step program. Many of us who suffer from PTSD also suffer from addiction to drugs or …

Study Finds Most Breast Cancer Patients Develop PTSD Symptoms …

A large majority of women with breast cancer develop symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) within the first few months after diagnosis, according to a new study led by researchers at …

Report: Minnesota's jails need mental health resources

The Minnesota Legislative Auditor's office released a damning report Thursday on the state of mental health services within the county jail system.

Damning report released on Minnesota jail's mental health services

The Minnesota Legislative Auditor's office released a damning report Thursday on the state of mental health services within the county jail system.