Category Archives: OCD

Does He Have Schizoaffective Disorder & What Is the Right …

My son came home from Colorado and has been drinking and smoking pot for about a year. When he came home he was a little paranoid but ok. He went to see some.

Doc Ayomide: Post Partum Depression – A New Mother's Unwanted …

Post-pregnancy depression (also known as postpartum or postnatal depression) is a common mental health problem in new mothers, even if they've had children. And if you wondering just how common, we're talking 1 in 10 …

Denounce Lethal Anti-Disability Healthcare Policy Advocated by …

is a national, grassroots disability rights group that opposes legalization of assisted suicide and euthanasia as deadly forms of discrimination. Small text Normal size text Large text Extra large text. Facebook Twitter Feedburner …

Vice primes 'Mental Health' guide for global launch – Poynter

In keeping with its continued push to reach audiences at home and abroad, Vice on Monday launched a multi-part reporting project simultaneously in several different languages. "The Vice Guide to Mental Health," a …

Behavioral Treatment for Kids With Anxiety | Child Mind Institute

But what many people don't know is that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be very effective for kids who are anxious. In fact, research over more than 20 years has shown that CBT is the most effective treatment for reducing symptoms of …