Category Archives: NAMI

Mental health budget cuts putting services under 'huge pressure …

Mental health budget cuts putting services under 'huge pressure'. Evidence of poor quality care is widespread, with less 20% of people feeling they received appropriate support in a crisis, says thinktank. Cost-cutting measure …

Forum raises awareness of mental health, offers available resources

University administrators joined students and faculty in the Donna E. Shalala Student Center to raise awareness about mental health and the resources available on campus. The inaugural mental health forum was held last …

New device could reset brains of veterans with PTSD |

The horror of combat is something many veterans live with, but a new study at UCLA is underway to see if administering mild electrical currents into the brain can reset its networks for those dealing with post-traumatic stress …

Canine PTSD: how the US military's use of dogs affects their mental …

In 2014 about 5-10% of deployed military working dogs showed signs of canine PTSD – but the disorder can affect dogs far away from battlefields too.

Treating PTSD: psychologists look to the fear-reduction effects of …

American psychologists are hoping to treat veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with a recommendation so well-worn by family physicians, it almost seems mundane: exercise. The nascent field of research has …