Category Archives: NAMI

Mental health needs urgent extra funding to avert crisis, say trust …

In 2015-16 that fell to 11% – a transfer of funding from mental health to acute trusts. Nationally, mental ill-health currently accounts for more than 25% of the total disease burden, but mental health services receive less than …

Five Factors Improving the State of Mental Health Care …

Improved care coverage, technology integration, employer involvement, provider collaboration and a new social paradigm are all helping to drive change and improve the way mental health care is accessed and delivered.

What If We Treated Other Illnesses Like We Do Mental Illness? | Life …

What if it was common for people to make jokes about having a left breast removed due to cancer? What if you heard those jokes in church, on social media, by.

10 Common Myths about Mental Illness | One Sober Life

Mental illness is Not Common 1 of 4 Americans will experience a diagnosable mental disorder in their lifetime. In many cases, this is way more.

On This Rock: Postpartum Depression and Priesthood

I don't know the ins and outs of postpartum depression, but I've certainly talked with and worked with moms who battle the post-birth blues. Often times, in the wake of giving birth to a new child, partly due to physical …