Category Archives: NAMI

Defend Mental Health & Learning Disability Services : The Pensive …

The Belfast Health Trust is currently undertaking a consultation on how mental health and learning services are provided in the community. Shamefully, If allowed this will see the: • Closure of the three cross-community day …

5 Things To Avoid Asking Someone With Schizophrenia | Life with …

Anyone that is genuinely interested in learning about schizophrenia probably isn't going to say anything that is insulting, but here is a list of the top five questions to avoid asking someone who has schizophrenia. (Doctors …

Dealing with PTSD has made me even stronger | Foxy – The Guardian

Two decades in the Special Forces caught up with me when I developed post-traumatic stress disorder.

Bipolar Disorder Can Increase the Risk of Dementia. | Bipolar Laid …

Bipolar Disorder Can Increase the Risk of Dementia. Bipolar disorder comes with a whole host of psychological issues. The mood swings are only part of it. Mania can cause euphoria and risk-taking to a dangerous degree or …

Parents – talk to your kids about mental health. Even if it's awkward …

Most parents do not talk to their children about mental health because 'it isn't an issue'. The one in 10 young people with a diagnosed condition suggests otherwise.