The aim was to investigate whether cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia would treat not only insomnia, but fatigue, pain, and mood in individuals with traumatic brain injury. It was a small case study, but I included a lot of …
Category Archives: NAMI
Workshop focuses on how to spread awareness about mental illness
Mental Illness is a term that some shy away from and others can't escape.
Ottawa man shot dead by Toronto police struggled with bipolar …
A 30-year-old Ottawa man shot dead by Toronto police late Friday had struggled with bipolar disorder for most of his life and thought of himself as a “lost boy.” The man, whom family have identified as Devon LaFleur, was …
Mental health and debt crisis: we have to act, say thinktank founders …
MoneySavingExpert Martin Lewis and ex-Lib Dem adviser Polly Mackenzie to study link between mental health issues and debt.
New Jovian Thunderbolt: Our national mental healthcare shame
Our national mental healthcare shame. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to close all the state asylums. Sure there were abuses, but we should have concentrated on those. Because there are dangerous people that need to be …