Category Archives: NAMI

6 Fantastic Home Remedies For Curing Panic Disorders | Find …

You would have heard of people getting panic attacks, or you would have seen it in a lot of times in movies when someone gets a panic attack and subsequently.

Rockford resident copes with PTSD – – Rockford's News …

Rock Valley College is focusing its upcoming first Tuesday lecture on post-traumatic stress disorder. A Rockford woman shares her story of being a victim, and a survivor.

Law to make PTSD a 'presumed' occupational illness for Ontario first …

Legislation that recognizes PTSD as an occupational illness for Ontario first responders has been hailed as a "huge win." Certain types of cancer are already "presumed" to be occupational illnesses for Ontario firefighters, who …

The Unexpected Effect of Travel on My Panic Disorder | World of …

effect of travel on panic disorder I had my first panic attack when I was seven. I was watching a movie with my parents and brother when an invisible hand reached inside my chest, gripped my lungs, and wouldn't let go. The air …

9 Things To Generalized Anxiety Disorder You should know. – Cure …

GAD is characterized by an excessive, ongoing sense of worry or ruminative anxiety that intereferes with day to day functioning. It can first start during childhood or adulthood and must last at least 6 months to be diagnosed.