Category Archives: Mental Illness

PTSD Recovery: When to Share Your Diagnosis | Trauma! A PTSD …

Deciding when to share your posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) diagnosis, and with whom, can be difficult to do. Even though talking about it, and seeking support from others, is an important step toward recovery, choosing …

Mariel Hemingway: Breaking the stigma of mental illness | CCTV …

Her family has a history of suffering from both alcoholism and mental illness. Seven of her family members, including her sister, fashion model and actress Margaux Hemingway and her grandfather, famed novelist Ernest …

“Mood Math” Could Provide Deeper Understanding of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder – formerly known as manic depression – is a chronic, recurrent mental illness characterised by extreme swings in mood. The condition is thought to affect at least one in every 100 adults worldwide and has the …

Researchers identify molecular link between schizophrenia and …

It has long been known that psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia, have been associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes. In a new study published online in The FASEB Journal, a UMass Medical School research …

A Beautiful Mind: Love and Mental Illness – The Change Blog

Most importantly, I must love myself. Love my mental illness, love my compassion and creativity. Love my strength. Each bad day is just that. A bad day; but I know I will survive. I always do.