Category Archives: Mental Illness

'Shtick not Shtigma' targets misconceptions about mental illness …

Marcia Meldrum, producer and associate researcher in the History and Social Studies of Medicine group at the Semel Institute, said the school collaborated with the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health to …

Omega-3 fatty acids may play role in bipolar disorder – Medical Xpress

(HealthDay)—There may be a link between levels of omega-3 fatty acids and bipolar disorder, according to a small study published in the November issue of Bipolar Disorders.

My Mental Health Christmas List | Recovering from Mental Illness …

There's a popular Christmas song called My Grown-Up Christmas List. In the song, the musician sings about a desire for healing, peace, and friendship. In keeping with that spirit, here is my Mental Health Christmas list.

What It Feels Like To Have PTSD – BuzzFeed

I have complex ptsd from a horrible childhood. I wish I knew about before I got married and had kids. I would have gotten it under control and worked out a strategy to keep me grounded. My husband is completely insensitive …

Ensure community mental health services can continue supporting …

Recently the Victorian government released a 10-year plan Mental Health Plan. The 10-year plan recognises that mental health is everyone's business and that other sectors and systems have a role in addressing the social …