Lots of people have difficulty socializing with mental illness and can't meet social obligations. Have compassion for them and understand their struggle.
Category Archives: Mental Illness
Lived experience and perspectives: Women, mental health and …
Lived Experience and Perspectives: Women, Mental Health and Housing in Winnipeg is a qualitative research study that sought to understand the experiences of women with mental illness living in supportive housing …
Painting a Picture of Mental Health
People with hobbies are generally healthier. They're also at a lower risk for some mental health issues.
A 29-panel cartoon that explains how some people see … – Upworthy
Here's what having schizophrenia is actually like, as illustrated by a schizophrenic.
Teachers as first-line mental health awareness propagators
Nkwanta, Dec 21, GNA – A scheme to use teachers as first-line propagators of sound mental healthcare in the country, especially among children, youth and women, has taken off. The strategy, crafted by BasicNeeds Ghana, …