Category Archives: Mental Illness

Does Mental Illness Cause Gun Violence? | Care2 Causes

When the nation's eyes turn to an outbreak of shocking violence, we are quick to characterize the episode in vague terms implicating mental illness as the culprit. We refer to “crazy” acts, “pure insanity” or “madmen.”.

Mouse Study May Offer Clues to Mysteries of Schizophrenia – Health …

WEDNESDAY, Jan. 6, 2016 (HealthDay News) — Results of experiments with mice may help shed light on some of the harder-to-treat symptoms of schizophrenia in humans, a new study suggests.

Why Do We Fear Mental Illness? | Dr. Peggy Drexler – Huffington Post

This initiative is important, and necessary, because when it comes to mental illness, helping is, unfortunately, not our natural response. Instead, according to the NCBH, most people shy away from or avoid someone …

Changes in Brain Connectivity May Protect Against Bipolar Disorder …

Why do some individuals develop bipolar disorder while their high-risk siblings do not? A new study has found that naturally occurring changes in brain wiring may help people at high genetic risk of developing bipolar avert …

Social media and our mental health | Horizon Health Services

Recent data suggests just how much of an impact social media is having on our mental health. The results may make you want to stop your social media habit.