Category Archives: Mental Illness

Genes Impact Social Anxiety Long Term, But Environment Matters …

A new study of social anxiety and avoidant personality disorders finds that while genetics play a significant role in developing the conditions over time, environmental factors matter most in the short term. For over a decade, …

Gun deaths climb, mental health gains foothold | The Michigan …

Source –  Gun deaths climb, mental health gains foothold | The Michigan …

Once Suicidal, Now Paragons of Mental Health & Happiness | Psych …

Link to original –  Once Suicidal, Now Paragons of Mental Health & Happiness | Psych …

12-year-old murder suspect denied mental health treatment for months

A mentally-ill girl accused of murder spent more than 120 days at this juvenile detention center before the state reluctantly agreed to provide her treatment. Judge Matthew Hanson says the state is not doing enough to help …

Let's Stop Treating Mental Illness Like It's a Crime – Huffington Post

Jails and prisons are where too many people with mental illness are receiving, or rather not receiving, treatment. 2. A jail cell is unlikely to be a place of healing. Here's one more thing we're starting to realize: There's a better …