This negative view is destructive to treatment. As soon as the therapist views the patient negatively, the therapist is feeding into one of the patient's unhealthy “modes” (see How to treat Borderline Personality Disorder (Part 1).
Category Archives: Mental Illness
2.5 million meticais for albino organs
In Nampula, the abduction of people with lack of pigmentation in the skin dates back to the end of 2014. From December to this part, about a hundred people with albinism was the victim. Some individuals were killed and others are reported missing. In connection with these cases, 42 individuals are d …
Matchstick Men Blu-ray October 13th, 2015
It is a good month for catalog releases, with Matchstick Men on Blu-ray Disc from Warner Home Video available on October 13th, 2015. This black comedy crime film was based on Eric Garcia’s 2002 novel of the same name. The title comes from the term ‘matchstick man’, which is another word for scam art …
MINTZ: Medication for mental illness is perfectly okay
As college students, we know what it’s like to be overworked. We know what it’s like to sit with our head in our hands wondering when the deluge of assignments is going to slow down. My friends and I have been known to schedule our “monthly breakdowns” around all of the work we have to do, because w …
Sweet, Sweet Relief
Although I have blogged infrequently over the last nine months, looking back through the posts I can see what I already know — it’s been an up-and-down all-out battle. After months of ECT and hospitalizations and stays in the crisis residence and many med changes to count, I am extremely relieved to …