Category Archives: Mental Illness

Gov. Cuomo (Finally) Extends Anti-Discrimination Law to Include Transgender New Yorkers

Yesterday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced at the Empire State Pride Agenda that his administration was taking actions against discrimination by extending the New York State Human Rights Law to include transgender people, making equal opportunity more equal. The 1945 law stated that that pe …

Integral Knowledge

We find in the Upanishads a variety of statements about the nature of the Brahman, such as “One without a second,” “All this is the Brahman,” “Thou art That,” “I am He,” and descriptions that imply that the Brahman is implicit in each being in existence. Those who gravitate toward the concept “one w …

New Approach Advised to Treat Schizophrenia

A landmark study found that a bigger emphasis on one-on-one talk therapy made greater strides in patient recovery than the usual drug-focused treatments. > > > > >

The Personality Traits That Make Us Feel Like Frauds

At some point in your professional life, you’ve probably felt like a fraud. Maybe you were praised for something you thought wasn’t worthy of the accolades, or you maybe you were recognized in front of peers but felt unworthy, certain you’d soon be exposed as undeserving of the attention. You’re not …

I Am a Divine Idea in the Mind of God

We have a quote by Ernest Holmes in the lobby of our Center that states that we are each “… a Divine Idea in the Mind of God.” I contemplate the meaning of this quote. What does it mean to be a “Divine Idea in the Mind of God?” The word idea is defined as ” any conception existing in the mind as a …