Category Archives: Mental Illness

10 steps to mental health equality | Comment is free | The Guardian

After public figures signed a letter demanding parity of esteem for mental health care, here are 10 things that need to change to end the crisis.

Antipsychiatry, Stigma And Schizoaffective Disorder | Creative …

Antipsychiatry stigma can affect people with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. And having schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder is hard enough without having people tell you that you shouldn't be taking your …

We need to stop taking mental health for granted – The Daily Cougar

One in five adults will eventually deal with a mental illness. | Pablo Milanese/The Cougar. The day you are exposed to mental illness is the day your life stops. Whether it happens to you, a friend, or a family member, two things …

Online cognitive behavioral therapy benefits people with depression …

Internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) combined with clinical care has been shown to benefit people with depression, anxiety and emotional distress from illness, according to an evidence-based review in …

How Outsider Art is Breaking Down Walls Around Mental Illness In …

By exhibiting works of art created by people with mental illness in China, organizers hope to counteract negative stigma and foster connections and new respect for a marginalized population.