Category Archives: Mental Health Care

Patrick Kennedy memoir about family addiction and mental illness …

A book by the former congressman has upset family members over his portrayal of secrecy, substance abuse and mental illness.

John Oliver: Stop blaming gun violence on mental illness – Tech …

On the most recent episode of "Last Week Tonight," John Oliver pointed out how foolish it is to blame gun violence on mental illness — and then deftly pivoted into a discussion on how desperately we need better mental …

Low self-recognition and awareness of past hypomanic and manic …

In a reappraisal study from the Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence Study (NEMESIS), we further investigated 40 respondents with lifetime bipolar disorder confirmed by the structured clinical interview for DSM-IV …

'Last Week Tonight' Explains Why the US Mental Healthcare System …

In light of last week's mass shooting at Umpqua Community College in Oregon, many politicians have yet again tried to shift the national conversation from gun control to mental health, and last night's Last Week Tonight called …

How People Treat Mental Illness Vs. How They Treat Physical Illness

How People Treat Mental Illness Vs. How They Treat Physical Illness. Just because you can't see the pain, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. posted on Sept. 30, 2015, at 10:58 a.m.. Kirsten King. BuzzFeed Staff. Haejin Park. BuzzFeed Web Artist …