Category Archives: Mental Health Care

Thrive NYC aims to destigmatize mental illness and make mental …

The initiative is the first of a new city program called Thrive NYC, which aims to destigmatize mental illness and make mental health care more accessible. The full program will be unveiled in the next several weeks, said Ms. McCray, who has …

Five Factors Improving the State of Mental Health Care …

Improved care coverage, technology integration, employer involvement, provider collaboration and a new social paradigm are all helping to drive change and improve the way mental health care is accessed and delivered.

Can Technology Fill the Gaps in Mental Health Care? –

More and better technology is not a substitute for adequate mental health care funding and coordinated planning.

Expanded mental health care available in Snohomish County | and writer Sharon Salyer recently wrote an article talking about our new Community Mental Health Offices in Snohomish County in an article titled Expanded mental health care available in Snohomish County.

Expanded mental health care available in … – Sunrise Services and writer Sharon Salyer recently wrote an article talking about our new Community Mental Health Offices in Snohomish County in an article titled Expanded mental health care available in Snohomish County.