Ontario is poised to introduce legislation that would see PTSD included as a "presumptive" occupational illness for first responders. It's a move that will ensure more protection for firefighters, police and paramedics — but might …
Category Archives: Mental Health Awareness
Haunted: Firefighter's PTSD battle began with the death of a child …
Brandon Hogan was a rookie firefighter at Station 22 at Lincoln Fields in March 2005 when his life changed. That morning, there was a call about a child who had swallowed his mother's anti-psychotic medication. No vital …
Understanding, coping with postpartum depression | WKRN News 2
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (KIMT)— When you picture meeting your child for the first time, it's hopefully an exciting image. We all stress how much we love our kids no matter what happens, but sometimes that love can be proven …
Recent Studies Find Cannabis Highly Effective Against Depression …
Focusing on PTSD, another mental illness that affects many Americans, this article from Science Daily discusses the usage of marijuana in individuals suffering from PTSD and how their symptoms have declined over the time …
Skinner's Post-Vietnam PTSD – YouTube
Skinner's Post-Vietnam PTSD. Beer Baron. SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe 116116. Loading… Loading… Working… Add to … Watch service dog calm war vet's PTSD reaction – Duration: 2:42. USA TODAY 4,449,416 views.