Category Archives: Mental Health Awareness

6 Fantastic Home Remedies For Curing Panic Disorders | Find …

You would have heard of people getting panic attacks, or you would have seen it in a lot of times in movies when someone gets a panic attack and subsequently.

Soldiers Turn To Native American Sweat Lodges To Treat PTSD …

Sweat Lodge Offers Veteran Warriors PTSD Relief A sweat lodge on Fort Carson is leading the way for military installations around the United States. The centuries-old Native American tradition has become a new form of …

Mental Illness Rears Its Beautiful Mind and Goes Wide

In November, the Mayor of New York Bill de Blasio and his wife, First Lady Chirlane McCray, launched ThriveNYC, a mental-health initiative, aimed at early detection, prevention and treatment of those suffering from mental …

Rockford resident copes with PTSD – – Rockford's News …

Rock Valley College is focusing its upcoming first Tuesday lecture on post-traumatic stress disorder. A Rockford woman shares her story of being a victim, and a survivor.

Study finds widespread cyberbullying, signs of PTSD among teens …

Megan Ranney, MD, who led the study, said it serves as a reminder to parents, schools, and doctors that bullying and violence are prevalent problems. She also said more should be done to identify and treat PTSD in teens.