Category Archives: Mental Health Awareness

Purdue students propose using alcohol sales at games to fund …

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. (February 27, 2016) — Purdue University's student government has suggested expanding alcohol sales at sporting events could fund a needed increase in student mental health services.

Psychologist: Mental Illness Is a Result of Intolerable Circumstances …

The health professions make a grave mistake when they treat mental illnesses as “discrete brain conditions that are largely genetically determined and barely influenced by the slings and arrows of misfortune,” writes clinical …

Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy effective for body …

1. In a randomized control trial of over 90 patients with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), the use of an internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

Anxiety or Childhood Bipolar Disorder? | Bipolar Beat

Psychiatrist Candida Fink, MD busts the common myth that explosive outbursts in childhood necessitate a diagnosis of childhood bipolar disorder.

Sharon Hill Man Suffering From Schizophrenia Faces Charges For …

Sharon Hill Man Suffering From Schizophrenia Faces Charges For Attacking Police With Knife. February 26, 2016 4:58 PM. Filed Under: Sharon Hill. (Credit: Thinkstock). 2. SHARON HILL, P.A., (CBS) — Delaware County District Attorney Jack …