Category Archives: Mental Health Awareness

Veterans Aren't Having Sarah Palin's PTSD Scapegoating

A day after Sarah Palin appeared to blame President Barack Obama for her son's domestic violence charge with comments she made about veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder, those very veterans are setting her …

Vets Are Furious Sarah Palin Blamed Her Son's Domestic Violence …

Vets Are Furious Sarah Palin Blamed Her Son's Domestic Violence On PTSD « | Foreign Policy | the Global Magazine of News and Ideas.

Veterans Push Back Against Palin's PTSD Claims: 'They're Not …

Sarah Palin's remarks on post-traumatic stress may have played well in the room Wednesday night, but they rubbed a lot of veterans the wrong way. The former Alaska governor has been stumping for Republican frontrunner …

Vets, White House Push Back On Palin: Don't Blame Obama – Mediaite

Continue reading:   Vets, White House Push Back On Palin: Don't Blame Obama – Mediaite

Vets, White House Push Back On Palin: Don't Blame Obama For …

Both the White House and a veterans' organization are pushing back against Sarah Palin's claim that Barack Obama is responsible for the post-traumatic stress.