Category Archives: Mental Health Awareness

RCT of a Brief Phone-Based CBT Intervention to Improve PTSD …

Worried about their reputation and career prospects, returning service members with PTSD may avoid seeking treatment. research blog (1) In a randomized controlled trial, the authors examined engagement in treatment and …

FF will prioritise the delivery of mental health services – Fianna Fáil

Fianna Fáil has today published proposals aimed at reforming the delivery of mental health services. The 'Improving Mental Health' policy document will bring about a community approach to the delivery of mental health …

The Challenge of Managing Bipolar Disorder During Pregnancy …

Managing the monster that is bipolar disorder is essential. Managing prenatal care is literally vital. When combining the two, it's a delicate battle. Making.

Life Sentence: Life behind bars of the Mental Healthcare system

I received my 'life sentence' from a Montana psychiatrist at the tender age of 22. I was diagnosed with Bipolar because I had what he called a 'chemical imbalance' in my brain and would need to take medicine to treat it for the …

Can call centre therapy solve the NHS mental health crisis? | Society …

This is no fringe issue in the health of the nation. The NHS believes people with mental health problems die 15 to 20 years earlier than the average, but the system is struggling to cope. Lord Layard, a government adviser on …