Category Archives: NPR

Strategies for Bipolar Disorder When it All Becomes Overwhelming …

Life can be unpredictable and for people who have bipolar disorder, who often do not do well with change, life alterations can be Strategies for Bipolar Disorder When it All Becomes Overwhelming extremely disruptive. I rarely …

Good Girl review – a beautifully shot but flawed insight into mental …

Watching Good Girl alongside Dr Peter MacRae, consultant psychiatrist at East London NHS Foundation Trust, offered some interesting insights into both the reality of living with mental health issues and the pros and cons of …

11 things to know about generalized Anxiety Disorder | Health Cure …

Generalized Anxiety Disorder. It's natural to worry during stressful times. But some people feel tense and anxious day after day, even when there is little to worry about. When this lasts for six months or longer, it may be …

New study claims to find genetic link between creativity and mental …

Results imply creative people are 25% more likely to carry genes that raise risk of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. But some argue the evidence is flimsy.

Is mental health a social justice issue? | The Bristol Cable

Dr. Simon Newitt, Chief Executive of Off the Record (Bristol), gives his take The central challenge facing both mental health services and those in.