Category Archives: NPR

Mother's photo with newborn goes viral, raises awareness of …

Mother's photo with newborn goes viral, raises awareness of postpartum depression …. One of her friends just created a website called where women can share their postpartum stories. Haines said …

Brian Wilson partners with mental health awareness campaign …

The Beach Boys founder teams up with the Campaign to Change Direction to help raise awareness in the US of mental health issues.

Ensuring Access to Safe and Affirming Mental Healthcare for LGBTQ …

It's an unfortunate reality that, due to societal discrimination, school bullying, and family rejection, LGBTQ young people are at increased risk for behavioral health issues.

How to tell your employer you have a mental illness. – Mamamia

Employees can be hesitant to raise a mental illness with their employer, for fear of stigma or missing work opportunities as a result. But we shouldn't be.

Overcoming Social Anxiety – Women's Health

"People with social anxiety disorder create elaborate excuses to get out of the situations that make them nervous," she says. Problem is, the more you steer clear of something, the more frightening it becomes. The trick is to step outside your …