Category Archives: NPR

The bags helping people with mental health problems | Healthcare …

The Recovery Bag Project sends people items such as hand cream and toys to support positive behaviour.

Mom: Naked, Bloodied Teen Has Schizophrenia, Was On Drugs …

But while battling bipolar disorder and Schizophrenia, Anglin's mother acknowledges her son is also fighting drug addiction. She admits that he was on methamphetamine during Monday's incident. Denise says her son is …

Hayden Panettiere opens up about postpartum depression |

The fourth season of Nashville premiered last week, and Hayden Panettiere visited Live! with Kelly and Michael on Monday to talk about it. Her character on the series, Juliette, has suffered from postpartum depression, and …

Hayden Panettiere Talks Postpartum Depression: "It's Really Scary …

Hayden Panettiere opened up about her experience with postpartum depression after the birth of daughter Kaya — see what she said.

Secret aid worker: your stories of mental health, PTSD and burnout …

Stress, PTSD, and general mental wellbeing are serious challenges for aid workers. Here are some of the stories you've shared recently.