Category Archives: NPR

Advocates encourage 'Mental Health First Aid' training programs …

Advocates in our region are working to train people in the community to provide emergency help in mental illness situations.

Veterans group invites people in Huntsville area suffering from …

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. – There's a new support meeting in Huntsville for people with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD. It is hosted by Operation Stand Down, a group that helps homeless veterans. But for this meeting, the …

Mental Health Care Reform Still Has Issues – Urban Milwaukee

John Chianelli and his team at Whole Health Clinical Group received a $1.6 million grant to expand primary care and mental healthcare in local communities. Photo by Matthew Wisla. John Chianelli knew some of his patients …

Community mental health services 'getting worse' in some areas of …

Mental health services outside hospitals in England have shown “no notable improvement” and in some areas are getting worse, a survey of more than 13,000 people treated and cared for in the community has suggested.

'Mental patient' Halloween costumes: a scientific guide | Dean …

Yet another upset caused by “mental patient” Halloween costumes suggests that many people still consider this a valid option. If they will insist on dressing like people with mental health problems, they may as well do it …