Category Archives: NPR

10 steps to mental health equality | Comment is free | The Guardian

After public figures signed a letter demanding parity of esteem for mental health care, here are 10 things that need to change to end the crisis.

Know the signs of postpartum depression, for some, post-pregnancy …

Nine years ago, Paige and Bjorn Bellenbaum were excited to have their first child. But Paige quickly began to struggle with postpartum depression — and neither of them realized she needed help.

Moms who need mental health care the most are not getting it …

We have a crisis on our hands,” said Nitzia Logothetis, founder and executive chairwoman of the Seleni Institute, a nonprofit focused on serving the reproductive and maternal mental health care needs of women. “So I think it's …

Public figures sign letter seeking equality for mental health | Society …

“We accept, and urge ministers to accept, that this will require additional investment in mental health services,” the letter states. “But we are strongly persuaded that sustained investment in mental health services will lead to …

Learning to Understand My Brother's Schizophrenia | Psych Central

Learning to Understand My Brother's Schizophrenia. By Brittany Green ~ 4 min read. A few years ago, my mother called the police when my brother said he had the desire to kill himself. He'd been admitted to a mental hospital …