Category Archives: NPR

Study Finds ADHD Drug May Aid PTSD Symptoms | News – Indiana …

The study's lead author, Dr. Thomas McAllister, says what was surprising was the significant improvement it had on PTSD symptoms, symptoms of depression, and post-concussive complaints. “Anytime you see a robust kind …

Mental Health Bill Caters to Big Pharma and Would Expand – Truthout

Murphy Bill proponents point to a lack of institutionally or medically directed mental health treatment as being a primary cause of the alarming rise of violent acts such as school shootings and suicide. However, when we look …

Mental Health Bill Caters to Big Pharma and Would Expand …

Murphy Bill proponents point to a lack of institutionally or medically directed mental health treatment as being a primary cause of the alarming rise of violent acts such as school shootings and suicide. However, when we look …

The News Tribune editorializes: Move legislation to improve mental …

The News Tribune editorializes: Move legislation to improve mental health services … Western State is just a small piece of a larger, national failure to provide adequate mental health services. The symptoms of that failure …

Award recognizes state efforts to make mental health care available …

Earlier this fall, at the Minnesota Association of Deaf Citizens' biennial conference in St. Cloud, the Minnesota Department of Human Services' (DHS) mental health program for people who are deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing was honored …