Category Archives: NPR

Mental health budget cuts putting services under 'huge pressure …

Mental health budget cuts putting services under 'huge pressure'. Evidence of poor quality care is widespread, with less 20% of people feeling they received appropriate support in a crisis, says thinktank. Cost-cutting measure …

Veterans Are Pioneering Spiritual and Hallucinogenic Medial …

Regardless of one's opinion of war, most people can agree that taking care of soldiers when they come home is literally the least we can do. But soldiers are coming back with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and over 8,000 of them take their …

The VA Currently Does Not Provide Service Dogs to Veterans With …

However, as Lyle, a full-time student at Texas A&M, told TheBlaze, the VA does not provide service dogs for veterans suffering with a mental disability after returning from active duty, such as PTSD. Lyle said his main focus, …

People Say Target Is Making Fun Of Mental Illness With One Of Its …

Target is being accused online of being insensitive toward those with mental illness because it is selling a sweatshirt bearing the phrase “Obsessive Christmas Disorder.” Target is being accused online of being insensitive …

Canine PTSD: how the US military's use of dogs affects their mental …

In 2014 about 5-10% of deployed military working dogs showed signs of canine PTSD – but the disorder can affect dogs far away from battlefields too.