Category Archives: NPR

PTSD Recovery: When to Share Your Diagnosis | Trauma! A PTSD …

Deciding when to share your posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) diagnosis, and with whom, can be difficult to do. Even though talking about it, and seeking support from others, is an important step toward recovery, choosing …

Poorer areas need better access to mental healthcare

People who live in poorer areas in England are more likely to need mental healthcare but are less likely to access support and to recover from their symptoms following treatment, according to researchers at the University …

Rockford mental health advocates say budget cuts are costing the …

While the budget impasse is causing some mental health programs to cut services, mental health advocates say these cuts are actually costing you more in the long haul. "They put me on medication," Gregory Motley said.

The Mental Health Care Overhaul Bill: What You Need to Know …

House Speaker Paul Ryan has declared his support for a Republican-led effort to overhaul mental health care in the United States.

We need to talk about mental illness, community forum told | Share …

Mental health issues, if left ignored by parents, could destroy children's lives and even lead to death as almost was the case with Karen Carrington who migrated with her parents from Trinidad & Tobago to Ottawa in the 1970s.