Category Archives: NPR

Possible mechanism for specific symptoms in bipolar disorder …

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet, and the Sahlgrenska Academy at Gothenburg University in Sweden have identified a gene variant linked to psychotic symptoms and cognitive impairment in people with bipolar disorder.

Kim Kardashian is eating her own Placenta to Ward off Postpartum …

… West is keeping her fans updated on life after having her son, Saint West. The new mum shared on her website that she her placenta converted into pills which she takes every day in a bid to ward off postpartum depression.

People living with PTSD explain what it's really like to live with their …

But, oftentimes, the civilian public doesn't know what PTSD really looks like. In this video, people living with PTSD talk about what caused their stresses, what it's like to live with the condition, and how they manage to find light …

Mental health care would curb gun violence, some at congressional …

In this file photo, Rep. Mike Thompson, D-Calif., chairman of the Congressional Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, announces a bill designed to allow police to remove guns from the hands of the mentally ill and reduce gun …

Majority of students experience mental health issues, says NUS …

The survey, released as MPs meet to discuss student mental health, also shows 54% don't seek help.