Category Archives: NPR

Monoclonal antibody holds promise of reducing learning, memory …

Chronic learning and memory problems that plague patients with schizophrenia may have a worthy foe in a monoclonal antibody that also holds promise in the fight against cancer and is already used to treat a rare disorder …

This Woman Is Taking A Stand Against People Who Say Mental …

An article in the Sydney Morning Herald gave advice to employers on how to spot an employee who might be "faking" their mental illness….

New model increases student access to mental-health services …

The new approach grew from a commissioned study by the University of Maryland a few years ago that identified the gaps in mental-health services in the school system. Vitti said it confirmed what administrators already knew …

Gun violence not a mental health issue, experts say, pointing to …

“Mental health stakeholders are loath to have this conversation about improving mental health care in a context driven by violence prevention, because that's not why we need mental health reform per se,” Swanson said.

Can call centre therapy solve the NHS mental health crisis? | Society …

This is no fringe issue in the health of the nation. The NHS believes people with mental health problems die 15 to 20 years earlier than the average, but the system is struggling to cope. Lord Layard, a government adviser on …