Soon afterwards – with physical problems ruled out – she was diagnosed with postnatal depression and anxiety. It was both a relief and a surprise. “I wasn't down or sad. I was hyperactive, constantly buzzing, on edge and …
Category Archives: Exercise
Mental Health in America: A Shakespearean Tragedy – Psych Central
Social factors, environmental triggers, and increased stress in modern life all influence mental health, including the onset of depression. With healthcare expenditures approaching $3 trillion, our disorders and diseases are …
Haben Girma, deaf-blind disability rights advocate | PETER BOWES
Haben Girma, a deaf blind disability rights advocate, has a powerful message about access to education and technology for the disabled. Haben uses a digital Braille system to communicate and was the first deaf blind student …
Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, and Exercise | Creative …
I never thought that exercise could really help my schizoaffective disorder. Now I know better. I've been running every day for a little over two months, and it has drastically cut down on the breakthrough episodes I have with …
On This Rock: Postpartum Depression and Priesthood
I don't know the ins and outs of postpartum depression, but I've certainly talked with and worked with moms who battle the post-birth blues. Often times, in the wake of giving birth to a new child, partly due to physical …