Category Archives: Exercise

Here's What 21 Black People Have To Say About Getting Therapy

Mental illness can affect anyone, but for people of color, the experience of the illness itself is often compounded (or even caused) by racism, microaggressions, and community-specific stigma. Racism and stereotypes about …

21 Black People Give Their Best Advice For Taking Care Of Your …

One of the major things holding me back from pursuing more mental health care and (more so) medicinal intervention is how people will interpret my seeking a prescription. Black people are already considered “delinquents,” …

Brain's Signaling Systems Might Determine PTSD Severity: Study …

THURSDAY, Dec. 10, 2015 (HealthDay News) — People with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) appear to have an imbalance between two of the brain's signaling systems, a new study suggests.

31 Important Mental Health Tips You Should Try Right Now

I've struggled with feeling like my mental health issues aren't really that bad and that has very much affected how and when I seek treatment. My therapist told me that no matter how mild or how severe, my depression matters …

This Is What It's Like To Live With Schizophrenia – Healthy Organic

Schizophrenia is a chronic and disabling — but treatable — brain disorder affecting more than 21 million people worldwide. Of those people, only half receive treatment. Symptoms, which usually begin between ages 16 and …