We need to continue to raise awareness regarding mental health. Focus on mental health shouldn't revolve around those with real or perceived mental illness committing violent crimes. Instead, it should be brought to the …
Category Archives: Diagnosis
Panic Disorder Linked to Physical Illnesses | Psych Central News
The researchers found a high association between panic disorder, bipolar disorder, and physical illness. Saliently, they discoverer a significantly higher prevalence of certain physical illnesses among patients with panic …
Development of a bipolar disorder biobank: differential phenotyping …
Source – Development of a bipolar disorder biobank: differential phenotyping …
PTSD: The War Disorder That Goes Far Beyond the Battlefield …
The first time I experienced what I now understand to be post-traumatic stress disorder, I was in a subway station in New York City, where I live. It was almost a year before the attacks of 9/11, and I'd just come back from two months in …
How PTSD Became a Problem Far Beyond the Battlefield – Vanity Fair
The U.S. military now has the highest rate of post-traumatic stress disorder in its history. Sebastian Junger investigates.