Category Archives: Diagnosis

When Living with Bipolar Disorder Changes Your Life | bpHope – bp …

I often reflect on my life before the diagnosis of bipolar disorder, and things are indeed different now compared to the day I was released from the hospital. The aftermath of confusion, medication and dealing with bipolar …

Chronic GI Conditions Up Risk of Generalized Anxiety Disorder …

Canadian researchers have discovered that generalized anxiety disorder is much more common among individuals with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Specifically, people who have conditions such as Crohn's disease or …

Depression and personality disorders most common … – BMJ Blogs

Most common diagnoses among those requesting help to die, due to unbearable suffering Depression and personality disorders are the most common diagnoses among Belgian psychiatric patients requesting help to die, on …

Sleep apnea tied to increased risk of panic disorder – Medical Xpress

(HealthDay)—Sleep apnea seems to be associated with increased risk of subsequent panic disorder, according to a study published in the July/August issue of the Annals of Family Medicine.

Soldier, combat dog share PTSD diagnosis, road to recovery | Article …

Up at 5 a.m., retired Staff Sgt. Matthew Bessler often speaks his first words of the day to his dog, Mike, who lives with him now in Powell, Wyoming, and who has deployed with him twice to Iraq.