Category Archives: Diagnosis

Mental Health Hygiene Habits | World of Psychology – Psych Central

Most of us probably were not intentionally taught good mental health hygiene habits. These habits also bring consistency to our lives, promote wellness and resilience, and protect us from becoming overwhelmed by mental …

Canine PTSD: how the US military's use of dogs affects their mental …

In 2014 about 5-10% of deployed military working dogs showed signs of canine PTSD – but the disorder can affect dogs far away from battlefields too.

SKA2 gene may predict severity of PTSD | BU Today | Boston …

The suicide risk is “alarmingly high,” says Naomi Sadeh, a School of Medicine assistant professor of psychiatry and a psychologist at the National Center for PTSD. And the numbers raise important questions for researchers: …

Identifying Unique and Shared Brain Patterns in Bipolar Disorder …

Researchers identify unique and shared brain patterns in ADHD and bipolar disorder, which could aid diagnosis and treatment in the future. A new King's College London study has identified both unique and shared brain …

PTSD and the DSM-5 | Mind the Brain – PLOS Blogs Network

More than thirty-five years after the 1980 recognition of PTSD in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), the data are unequivocal: Today there can be no doubt about the validity of PTSD as a …