Category Archives: Depression

Mental Health Awareness & Maintenance Tips – Rio Salado College

Finals and the holiday season are here and the end of the year is near– which means some of us maybe feeling a bit more stressed, overwhelmed and maybe in need of some help as it relates to mental health. Here are some …

Psych News Alert: High Benzodiazepine Use for Schizophrenia …

Chronic, high-dose use of benzodiazepines among patients with schizophrenia appears to be associated with a markedly higher overall mortality rate than is seen in patients with schizophrenia who have not been exposed to …

Possible mechanism for specific symptoms in bipolar disorder …

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet, and the Sahlgrenska Academy at Gothenburg University in Sweden have identified a gene variant linked to psychotic symptoms and cognitive impairment in people with bipolar disorder.

Ex-Cop Confronts Mother-in-Law Who Says He's Using PTSD As …

Robert spent 20 years on the police force until 2014, when he says an arrest-gone-wrong nearly took his life. Since then, he retired and has been living with severe injuries and fighting debilitating symptoms of PTSD. Unable …

Kim Kardashian is eating her own Placenta to Ward off Postpartum …

… West is keeping her fans updated on life after having her son, Saint West. The new mum shared on her website that she her placenta converted into pills which she takes every day in a bid to ward off postpartum depression.