Category Archives: Depression

Catelynn Lowell Talks Postpartum Depression: 'I Felt I'd Be Better Off …

According to a new Radar Online report, Catelynn Lowell is now revealing that she suffered from postpartum depression, and she released that she wasn't herself after nine months. It is no secret that she really wanted another …

Teachers as first-line mental health awareness propagators

Nkwanta, Dec 21, GNA – A scheme to use teachers as first-line propagators of sound mental healthcare in the country, especially among children, youth and women, has taken off. The strategy, crafted by BasicNeeds Ghana, …

Dear Bossip: I Have Postpartum Depression & I Think My Husband Isn

After they moved to South Carolina she had another child & experienced postpartum depression. She feels her husband isn't attracted to her.

Resources Found Lacking for Non-Veterans with PTSD | Psych …

Veterans who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have access to the Veterans Health Administration and Defense Department, which acts as a center for research, data and services for combat-related PTSD …

Mouse Study: Diet May Reduce Schizophrenia Symptoms | Psych …

A ketogenic diet high in fat and extremely low in carbohydrates and sugars may be very helpful for patients with schizophrenia, according to a new mouse study.