Recent data suggests just how much of an impact social media is having on our mental health. The results may make you want to stop your social media habit.
Category Archives: Depression
Children and young people's mental health service facing uncertain …
A SERVICE which cares for vulnerable and at risk children and teenagers is facing an uncertain future. A small team which provides mental health support across West Sussex for children in foster care or who have been …
Heavy users of mental health care have substantially different …
While a small number of people account for a disproportionately large portion of health services use, heavy users of mental health care have substantially different patterns of health care use than other heavy users of health …
Personality disorders correlated with drug abuse, say researchers
Those exhibiting personality traits associated with negative affect such as depression and anxiety (such as that found in BPD), non-conformity, impulsiveness, emotional instability, sensation-seeking and thrill-seeking, poor …
Local health departments key to expanding mental health care in US
Drexel's professors found that of the 505 local health departments they studied, between 30 and 40 percent provided some form of mental health care services. Additionally, those that provided services were found to be seven …