Category Archives: Depression

PTSD is as old as the hills — Science of the Spirit —

Psychiatrists believe that what we now know as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is universal, and very old. Shakespeare wrote about the symptoms. So did ancient Mesopotamians and ancient Greeks. So did medieval …

'Alice in Wonderland' NHS service let suicidal woman down, says …

View original article:  'Alice in Wonderland' NHS service let suicidal woman down, says …

Engineering the Future of Mental Health Care – Huffington Post

Originally posted here:  Engineering the Future of Mental Health Care – Huffington Post

Lung Disease Ups Risk of Anxiety Disorder | Psych Central News

New research discovers older adults with lung disease experience generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) on a much greater level than older adults without the disease. Specifically, the prevalence of GAD for adults aged 50 and …

Bipolar Disorder with Obsessive Thoughts & Behavior | bpHope – bp …

Bipolar disorder is recognized by mania and depression and usually anxiety. One area of bipolar disorder not usually talked about is obsessive thoughts and behavior. The lucky ones recognize obsessive behavior early and …