Wow! What a difference a month can make! As May comes to a close and we reflect on this year's Mental Health Awareness Month, we can't help but feel incredibly grateful for the generosity and dedication of our community.
Category Archives: Depression
7 Ways to Overcome Shyness and Social Anxiety | World of …
It is estimated that nearly 17 million American adults at some point will meet criteria for social anxiety disorder or social phobia. The number of adults who struggle with shyness greatly exceeds that number. Fortunately, there …
Does He Have Schizoaffective Disorder & What Is the Right …
My son came home from Colorado and has been drinking and smoking pot for about a year. When he came home he was a little paranoid but ok. He went to see some.
Is mental health a social justice issue? | The Bristol Cable
Dr. Simon Newitt, Chief Executive of Off the Record (Bristol), gives his take The central challenge facing both mental health services and those in.
Doc Ayomide: Post Partum Depression – A New Mother's Unwanted …
Post-pregnancy depression (also known as postpartum or postnatal depression) is a common mental health problem in new mothers, even if they've had children. And if you wondering just how common, we're talking 1 in 10 …