Category Archives: Depression

Joe Herbert

Most of our organs can be treated as repairable machines. Why can't we treat mental illness by simply fixing the brain?

Why can't we treat mental illness by fixing the brai… – Aeon

Our understanding and treatment of mental disorders is primitive. Why is that? The burden on our society is huge. A quarter of women will have an episode of depression at some stage in their lives (it's about half that for men).

Why can't we unite neuroscience and psychiatry?

Our understanding and treatment of mental disorders is primitive. Why is that? The burden on our society is huge. A quarter of women will have an episode of depression at some stage in their lives (it's about half that for men).

Teens with Bipolar Disorder, Depression have Higher Risk of Heart …

Teens who suffer from bipolar disorder or depression have a high risk of heart disease, The American Heart Association (AHA) says.

Nationally Renowned Disability Rights Advocate: “I'm Voting Yes on …

We connected with Lex to hear more about his story and why his experience as a disability rights advocate leads him to support a “Yes” vote on Houston's Proposition 1. Frieden is a long-time advocate for people with disabilities and a …