Category Archives: Depression

Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy | Cost-utility analyses …

Abstract. Background: Major depressive disorder (MDD) causes a massive disease burden worldwide. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is an important treatment approach for depression. Cost-utility analysis (CUA) is a …

How Solitary Confinement Affects People with Mental Illness | World …

For example, approximately one-third to one-half of Indiana's Secure Housing Unit's prison population has mental illness, according to a report obtained in 1997. During the same year, a federal court found that about half of …

Psychologist: Mental Illness Is a Result of Intolerable Circumstances …

The health professions make a grave mistake when they treat mental illnesses as “discrete brain conditions that are largely genetically determined and barely influenced by the slings and arrows of misfortune,” writes clinical …

Feerless may be a godsend to Netflix viewers with PTSD | Fusion

Link:  Feerless may be a godsend to Netflix viewers with PTSD | Fusion

11 Things People With PTSD Want You To Know – Huffington Post

Everyone goes through moments of fear, but for those with post-traumatic stress disorder, terror has a way of taking on a life of its own. People with PTSD have often undergone situations that most people can't even begin to …