Category Archives: Depression

Video takes a bipartisan approach toward treating mental illness …

If you missed it, the short documentary film about mental illness, including depression and anxiety — “Opening Minds, Ending Stigma: A Young Person's Perspective” — that first aired Saturday night on WDIV-TV can be viewed …

Debunking the Myth of Mental Weakness in PTSD Sufferers …

One of the biggest myths about posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is that those who suffer from it have some sort of mental weakness because they developed PTSD. I understand why people think that way. When I was …

Mental health care explained from eye of storm | The Columbian

“Our care has been lacking,” Hamilton said. She said a mental-health system that's tilted strongly toward the pharmaceutical industry winds up overmedicating people in desperate need of compassionate, therapeutic listening …

The Effectiveness of Talk Therapies for Bipolar Disorder | Psych …

Lithium, the first drug treatment used for bipolar disorder, was considered so effective when it was introduced that medication has been the primary focus of.

You Should Be Watching You’re the Worst

By Terri Schwartz The television landscape is currently an embarrassment of riches, with more quality TV on the air (and streaming!) than any person can reasonably keep up with. That’s why it might have been easy to miss You’re the Worst, an ensemble comedy set in Los Angeles that premiered on FX la …