Category Archives: Depression

Three PTSD Myths: Ending Stigma of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder …

There are many myths about posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Due to the stigma of mental illnesses such as PTSD, myths are common. The best way to address a myth is by educating people with the truth. So here are …

Motherhood myths and postpartum depression – Houston Chronicle

In several societies around the world postpartum depression is not prevalent. Often those are places where new mothers receive significant levels of social support: They're not expected to cook, take care of the home, or do …

Identifying Postpartum Depression at an early stage with mHealth …

However, is estimated that 10 to 15% of new adult mothers develop Postpartum Depression (PPD) within the first year after giving birth, and the percentage increases up to 26% in adolescent mothers [1]. Furthermore, a recent …

Having borderline personality disorder helps me in my NHS job …

For five years I was passed from one mental health professional to another. These appointments were months apart, often less than half an hour, and I wasn't offered any treatment. I was asked to remove my clothing, and a …

Patient-Centered Team Treatment of Schizophrenia Works Best | BU …

Kim Mueser has spent decades helping people with schizophrenia and other serious mental illnesses recover and rebuild their lives. A Sargent College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences professor and executive director of …