Category Archives: Depression

Psych Central Supports the Bipartisan Mental Health Reform Act of …

mental-health-reform-act-murphy-cassidy-2015 We believe that mental health and behavioral healthcare reforms in the United States are vital. The vision that President Kennedy had in 1963 about accessible mental health …

No, Mental Illness Is Not the Main Cause of Mass Shootings in …

A Washington Post-ABC News poll on gun violence published Monday included a stark finding: "By a more than 2-to-1 margin, more people say mass shootings reflect problems identifying and treating people with mental …

An Instagram Battles Mental Illness So Beautifully It Became an Art …

Artist and photographer Melissa Spitz uses photography to capture her mother's mental illness. Her work was featured at Instagram #MyStory gallery.

Tackling Mental Illness, 'You're the Worst' Cuts Deep – Splitsider

Tackling Mental Illness, 'You're the Worst' Cuts Deep. By Daniel Kurland October 27, 2015. youre-the-worst-there-is-not-currently-a- 'Genie in a Bottle' is a recurring feature where each week a different bottle episode (an episode set entirely in …

Should You Use Your Employer's Mental Health Screening Tools …

In a word, no. Employer's screening tools for any kind of mental health issue — if not required by working in a sensitive industry — should be avoided, as they bring little value to you, the employee, that you can't get elsewhere.