Category Archives: Depression

5 Lies Ruining Your Mental Health | Psychology Today

Believing these common myths about mental illness is keeping us sick.

Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy | Cognitive–behavioral …

Abstract: Cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based treatment for anxiety; however, a growing body of research suggests that CBT effect sizes are smaller in Veteran samples. The aim of this study was to …

Do I Have Avoidant Personality Disorder? | Ask the Therapist

From a teen in Canada: I have been formally diagnosed with major depressive disorder and social anxiety disorder and have been taking steps to deal with them. Recently I discovered Avoidant Personality Disorder and the …

Do I Have Antisocial Personality Disorder? | Ask the Therapist

Some of your symptoms might be indicative of disorders other than antisocial personality disorder. For example, feeling detached, different, alienated, and lacking emotion, could be a sign of depression. It's common for people …

Charity endurance fundraiser to promote mental health awareness …

A 24-Hour stationary cycle on a watt bike is being attempted to raise awareness for mental health disorders, particularly Anxiety, Bi-Polar and Depression. Local charities benefiting from the fundraiser include The Clare branch …