Category Archives: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Preventing Crime for Pennies on the Dollar: A New Freakonomics …

Could something as simple (and cheap) as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) do the trick? That's the question we try to answer in this episode. It's set in Chicago, where violent crime continues to thrive (its homicide rate is …

DBHIDS | Revolutionizing Population Health Management With …

Technologies and programs such as online cognitive behavioral therapy have become increasingly popular for organizations looking for innovative ways to provide treatment to the populations that they serve. Whether it's new …

Living with Panic Attacks | Psych Central

She defined a panic attack as the brain, suddenly and out of the blue, engaging the emergency response program like it would if you're in serious danger. “[This] would be great except that it happens in the absence

Creepypasta – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

On my boss's prompting I decided to try something called Cognitive Behavior Therapy or CBT for short. It is where not only are you trained against your fear, but

Toward smarter selection of therapy for psychiatric disorders | MIT …

For patients with social anxiety disorder (SAD), current behavioral and pharmaceutical treatments work about half the time. After weeks of investment in therapy, about half of patients will likely still suffer with symptoms of …